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07/12/14 7:13 PM

#19954 RE: ohibbs #19953

Thank you, ohibbs, for your straightforward and thorough reply. I'll respond in more detail when I'm not trying to type on a stupid smartphone.
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07/13/14 12:39 PM

#19955 RE: ohibbs #19953

The request was not a search for answers, but rather, an appeal for discussion. None of us know what the hold-up is, possibly including mgmt.

The depth of discussion on each new company event would correlate directly to the level and breadth of expertise and knowledge present among the participants of this board. Unfortunately, this board appears to lack that level of sophistication. While I do not myself embody a high degree of knowledge regarding biotech operations or the FDA, I: do have some experience as an investor; am opened-minded to logical possibilities; and, can discern that quality in other posters who are gracious enough to share their insight without bias or an ulterior motive. I also can admit when I'm wrong (eventually,lol).

As far as the Friday-night-under-the-rug sweeping, it definitely is not good news. It doesn't take much common sense or experience to understand that. However, I don't think it is game-changing either. It isn't a safety issue for sure. My guess is that it has something to do with what I mentioned here (#msg-100362488):

There is also the potential of a spiteful FDA, 'paying back' Star for past transgressions (anatabloc health claims, etc.) as they enter new phases of drug development, beginning with the IND.

If this isn't the case, and I'm exaggerating the sensitivity of the FDA, the comments/recommendations in the FDA review might involve the bifurcation between the 'drug' and the 'supplement' as it relates to the FDA warning, including their response regarding the explanation/defense provided by RCPI. Then again, it could still be the former masquerading as the latter. Either way, hopefully it's just a semantic/technical interpretation that gets ironed out. I would be interested in buying more should the stock fall 20% or so from here.

I would also like to know for sure the difference, if any, between Anatabloc and the future anatabine drug which the IND is attached to.