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07/12/14 12:57 PM

#129920 RE: PICKALITTLE #129915

Matt Finston got exactly what he had coming to him on the FITX Facebook page. At my place of employment, we wouldn't let someone talk crap about our company up and down on our company Facebook page. Bill did the right thing shooing him away. Matt obviously has his own Twitter / Facebook account and if he wants to whine constantly about a company he owns no shares in he should do it on his page.

And Matt IS a critic. I could care less what he thinks. Freddy Got Fingered is the greatest film ever made and critics hate it.


07/12/14 1:08 PM

#129921 RE: PICKALITTLE #129915

matt is being dishonest or emotional. I've read the comment. it wasn't a threat. he had to ask, was that a threat? if you have to ask, it isn't a threat.

does knowing where a person live mean something horrible is about to happen?no... it means you've been identified. being known isn't that big of a deal. if he really feels that way, the first call should have been to the police, not cramer.