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07/10/14 12:02 PM

#104223 RE: MUKA1 #104220


they made a $750 million mistake. Just ask them.

For the rest of it, read my stickie under lympro.

Bottom line, it is complicated and right now the only market is in research. That will be the case for some time.

Just ask the folks who market Amvid. They will tell you. Go and ask your doctor. Call up the AD people or the Neuro assoc.

Do some dd and you will see that is the case.


07/10/14 5:33 PM

#104269 RE: MUKA1 #104220

And GC just confirmed that Lympro will start in studies. ( If it is accepted ) That severely limits the market size for lympro.

As I've been stating, the Blood test that is the best when a screening blood test is needed will be the big winner.

I cannot look in my crystal ball and tell you who that will be.