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07/11/14 12:49 AM

#75387 RE: Vapobag #75358

Huge News! Website Updates!

Thought I'd help out here since so few RIGH devotees actually ever look at the website.

Here's something to hype in these dark dumping days...

Angel has apparently put some of his RIGH ATM withdrawal money into bringing the website partially out of 2011 and at least dated 2014.

In addition to the ad about him speaking (on the intro page), he FINALLY updated the Copyright to 2014, and got rid of that embarrassing "2011 Pricing" sticky:


Now it's:


But the "guts", like the "location finder" are still inoperable (try to enter a location- same results no matter what you put in):

and there are still no user comments to use as part of the input to the "HUGE database" that's going to combine user input, scientific data, test results and artificial intelligence to blah blah blah...

The site is still "amateur hour", freshman web designer quality after three years!

And there are still only sporadic tests for a few buddy dispensaries. Fewer tests in all of 2014 than SC Labs does in a week! Not to mention Steep Hill Halent.

BG is an unknown in an already well-established market for cannabis testing labs.

But I guess he had to put some lipstick on his piggy before he sat on a panel with people who might actually LOOK at it.

Hope I didn't take any steam out of the next "HUGE NEWS- WEBSITE UPDATED!" Press Release. ;-)

More silly cosmetics with all bone and no meat... still no business there...

No lab (certainly no regional labs).

No staff.

No reputation in even his local area where SCLabs and Steep Hill Labs have locked the market.

No revenues above Mom and Pop grocery store numbers.

Jusr RIGH CEO "Angel" Stanz, his hi-res camera, and his personal RIGH ATM machine (hundreds of millions of shares have been dumped in pre-arranged sales in the last few weeks.) But the 30 BILLION share float still leaves his Withdrawal Limit WAY high. Of course that money is coming from unsuspecting buyers, but HEY!

He updated the website! sigh...

And oh yeah- also lotsa debt and potential litigation.

But little things like that shouldn't stop the pump wagon...

Best to all and caveat emptor to anyone new to RIGH. Do some serious due diligence before investing in this (cough, cough) venture.