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07/09/14 3:05 PM

#231679 RE: trunkmonk #231676

Which is the whole point of the creation of FNF. Taxpayers werent there in the late 20s. Private capital completely shut down. These government tools need to stop using the word taxpayers, as if we get checks or refunds.

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07/09/14 3:05 PM

#231680 RE: trunkmonk #231676

Which is the whole point of the creation of FNF. Taxpayers werent there in the late 20s. Private capital completely shut down. These government tools need to stop using the word taxpayers, as if we get checks or refunds.

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07/09/14 4:28 PM

#231706 RE: trunkmonk #231676


like it or not - TARP and Bailing F and F and ...

stopped us not from just a depression but the GREATER DEPRESSION

all IMO

now F and F should be returned

now the banks should be pushed harder and some heads should have been chopped and put in jail

but nothing changes the reality that Paulson Bush Obama Geithner and Bernanke in 2008 and 2009 saved our butt


look at the market at the nadir

look when it turned up (when the Fed clearly was loose and BO got his Keynsian Stimulus (I agree with Keynes that GOV has a role to step in when there is danger)

look at housing now v then

look at the health of banks and F and F

do we have stagnating pay in the middle - yup (is that the result of dems or reps - not really - it is a phase in post industrial America in a global economy. Could we help ourselves? Yup but not with this congress which only wants to enrich the supremely richest of rich and otherwise shut down GOV and reduce safety nets and transfer programs that keep places like Walmart (nation's largest employer !!) in business

And this congress will not invest in highways and other capital good - which is insanity beyond imagination


blame for many - but all fashioned moderate DEMS and REPS had it right .... be you center left or center right (Clinton Obama - Bush Daddy and Nixon) -- it works .... either extreme be it lefties beyond reach or reactionary tea partiers and its bad news bears