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07/09/14 8:34 PM

#10998 RE: powderbum #10996

"...maybe a Calmare treatment"???

Shoot, I'd be afraid that if I had a calmare treatment I might end up needing a walker! Or worse, end up like poor lil'Abby did after her calmare treatment:

By the way, did Sperotherapy in Utah change their name? Seems that way based on the photo of their "office" they have on their facebook page:

Hmmmmmm...which is it I wonder -- "Dixie Chiropractic" or "Dixie Aesthetics"?

Hard to tell -- don't forget, MISTER Marineo says he can remove scars and reverse the effects of aging by using a machine that looks just like the calmare.

Nice roof, huh? Real classy!