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07/09/14 12:59 PM

#29793 RE: TheSittingtight1 #29779

Gatewood Galbraith, a Kentucky lawyer/politician (recently deceased), said it all began in 1937, when big business and gov't linked up to ban both marijuana, and later/by extension, industrial hemp as they were promoting synthetically made pharmaceuticals and materials (nylon, acrylic, etc) for profit, which is evident in late 40's/50's advertising. This happened under FDR- because part of the New Deal was basically the gov't telling farmers what to produce, and what not to produce, in exchange for subsidies… and whatever they didn't want (i.e., Marijuana, or Machine guns) they made something that required a permit, which they rarely issued, and essentially taxed out of existence. Business class donates to politicians… politicians legislate accordingly. His book "The Last Free Man in America" is pretty funny, but makes some good points about this.