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Natural Treasures

07/08/14 10:18 PM

#104085 RE: Profit #104079

The holding company allows the pipeline to spinoff any money making assett into a dividend paying company with revenue, or a buyout target. The number of assets is growing. I am betting there are more offers than tables right now. The science rules the day. Revenue projections and the beating of said projections will cause the buyout price to Skyrocket. With every new study and proof of concept the price of Ambs moves north.

I hope a buyout of anything at all, if ever, comes after the uplist. That is where we will see the Major JV first. They are much closer to going all the way with the pipeline because of the grant money that will come soon. Stronger every day.

I fully agree with r00kie, we are about to learn the AMBS definition of Teamwork. The new team is starting to click and its showtime 2H 2014. I added 126k shares today at .1032
Long and Strong!

I hope you all had a great independence day!