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07/15/14 6:14 PM

#259 RE: geopic #258

ME GOLD Price Here Is The Roadmap To More Fair Market Value -

banks use your shares to short sell -

demand your share certificate -

the bank has to buy back and cover the short sell -

it gives a higher more fair LSG share price and a more
level playing field for all Long TEAM Shareholders -

Note. the 666 banksters shorts start to dive for cover smile -
the more LSG shareholders ask for certificates -
the more short sellers going to dive for cover -

Bank Depositors Please Read This -

Note. US banks control Canadian banks -

Exposure To Derivatives = zombie banks

Moneta Porcupine Mines Inc (TSX:ME) - GOLD Price -
Here Is The Roadmap To $4,000 Gold -

Holding the Share Certificate Insures Your Ownership Stocks -

Holding the Share certificate insures your ownership of that stock -

the certificat becomes as a deed a legal document of ownership in -

Moneta Porcupine Mines Inc (TSX:ME)
God Bless