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ZenMan 111

07/03/14 6:40 PM

#30474 RE: bamaboy101 #30472

“SolarCity has yet to turn a profit” and its share price is $71.34. To get solar started it was necessary for solar companies to do solar projects on the installment plan. Having debt now for future profit was necessary. Investors are starting to see and understand that. Solar is the energy of the future that is starting now. The SSOL team understands and is on its way with the knowledge and plan to being very successful. To buy their stock at .02 and wait patiently is a great opportunity! Experts are saying that solar will be the world’s fastest growing industry ever. To be part of it with SSOL and watch them continue to get multi-million dollar contracts is exciting, knowing the new contracts exposes them to future customers who will also want to solar up. To not understand that this is happening is to miss out!