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07/04/14 2:50 PM

#234 RE: Harv22 #233

It was my understanding in talking to Fidelity that GGRGF would be converted to GGRGY. That hasn't happened yet and I'm sorry, but I don't have an answer as to why.

I also know for a fact that a subsidiary of Fidelity was/is the company that set up trading in the grey market for GGRGF following my article. The Fidelity subsidiary is here:

I've had several conversations with the director of Fidelity's international trading group about this matter, and I'm am not happy at all with what I believe to be misleading statements I was given by him.

As a result I am in the process moving my Fidelity account positions to another account and closing out the Fidelity account. If I can't trust what I'm being told by someone at a high level at my broker, they're not going to be my broker any longer.