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07/03/14 9:25 AM

#5304 RE: abc1938 #5303

It doesn't seem to go up with gold so maybe it will hold it's own. I don't think there is much downside left here.

Techamental Logic

07/03/14 10:56 AM

#5313 RE: abc1938 #5303

It is a testament to gold's strength that it has already bounced back from this mornings fantastic employment numbers. Fundamentally gold has taken a week of hits yet is is currently over $1,320 again.

The Iraq violence hasn't really escalated greatly. The end of the Ukrainian ceasefire and military offensives against pro-Russian rebels hasn't led to Russia's involvement. The US economy seems to be wonderful (although nobody believes it). Chinese demand for gold has fallen through the floor (although everybody thinks they are importing far more just not via Hong Kong). Finally it appears that countries that were likely to default are now less likely.

All that and gold is still on track to close out the week with a small gain.

BAA has a future so bright we've got to wear shades!