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07/02/14 2:14 PM

#230867 RE: 10bambam #230860

How about we reform the banks and leave FnF alone? lol

John Deere1

07/02/14 2:52 PM

#230872 RE: 10bambam #230860

Maybe this Reform Proposal is what we need to start the next run.


07/02/14 3:05 PM

#230877 RE: 10bambam #230860

"Effectively what we're doing is we're providing a government guarantee - but we're doing it through a new agency," Delaney emphasized. "It's a fairly simple process to look at pools of mortgages, decide if they're eligible and then write a government guarantee. The complex part of it is creating the mechanism for the government to offload a piece of its exposure onto the private market. What we're looking at there is effectively the reinsurance model - which is effectively what the government is doing today: providing insurance against defaults."

Let's re-invent the wheel and call it, hmmm, wait for it……a wheelb. Yeah, that's the ticket!!


07/02/14 3:23 PM

#230881 RE: 10bambam #230860

BIG NEWS!!!!!! IMO....I"VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS.........and it came form the Dems..... and why we keep saying 'this is no place for partisan politics'. Good or bad, whatever the GSE's fate, both the Dems and the Reps will deserve credit or responsibilty.


07/02/14 3:42 PM

#230895 RE: 10bambam #230860

PRIVATE SECTOR MARKET FORCES >>>>>>> BANKS, BY ANY OTHER NAME! Let's sugar coat it and feed it to the sheeple, they'll never know. How is this still NOT THEFT? Rob Peter to pay Paul. Gov & banks still get their way, banks get bigger with increased market share in the Housing Finance Industry which is what they were after in the first instance, only this time they get the Gov backing that previously F&F had. Banks taking over F&F business. Additionally, how is this risk going to be less than what we already have with F&F? Higher risk, higher cost loans from the banks. Don't buy the deception from these henchmen!

A trio of Democratic congressmen who serve on the House Committee on Financial Services next week will formally introduce a "middle ground" housing finance reform proposal that uses private sector market forces to appropriately price risk while putting the scale and security of a government guarantee behind the program.


07/02/14 3:57 PM

#230903 RE: 10bambam #230860

Delaney? hmm? We've heard from him before.