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07/02/14 11:11 AM

#22521 RE: CE_of_red #22519

that was a good read for sure


07/02/14 11:16 AM

#22522 RE: CE_of_red #22519

More importantly, embedded in the middle.

"We will get our new ticker in this month after the holidays i'm assured by staff if it matters to you"

@mikegrandeCWIR: Have a great Holiday FuzznBuzzers!!!

I'm beginning to read in-between the tweets.


07/02/14 11:17 AM

#22523 RE: CE_of_red #22519

I am long here since selling for free shares, because I think my 250k shares are potentially worth a LOT more than their current market value of ~$900-1000 depending on the minute, BUT that sounded like a rant to me, and I don't like rants from my CEO. if he indeed doesn't care about PPS and doesn't feel obligated to explain himself to CWIR shareholders because he hasn't pumped the stock via PR, he shouldn't tweet either, right? maybe he just likes Twitter because it's cheaper than PR?

I wouldn't think of any of this if he hadn't posted that. needless to say, I don't love it when this guy talks.

and did he say that he was assured that he would have the ticker change this month? who could possibly assure him of that? 'staff' - who's that? (and how is his assurance not a pump, being that it's the CEO all but making a public guarantee?)

*munching popcorn*


07/02/14 11:31 AM

#22528 RE: CE_of_red #22519

More excuses for inactivity under the guise of taking the high road, imo.


07/02/14 7:57 PM

#22592 RE: CE_of_red #22519

To reply to Mike's rant that you posted.....

Sorry, Mike. The truth is in the press releases and the actions (or rather inactions) that occurred while you and Hudson were in charge.

We have not had any failures in our delivery to any current or past public companies, the one example some try to use was simple, we did what we were asked to do & current management failed to deliver their end & we walked away.

Tell me you didn't try and buy the Dutch Flats or The Longhorn. Tell me Hudson didn't say you were creating a bank.

These were failures. There were others that don't come to mind at the moment.

You can't lay the blame at the Leo's feet for running DMGM (Leo's company ticker) into the ground. You changed the ticker to YDGM, which was your company, Your Global Dancer.

THEN, when all your plans fell apart, you walked away.