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06/30/14 6:26 PM

#128361 RE: Cassandra #128359

Worthless to shareholders... absolutely.

I'm sure Peter profited mightily though, as millions of shares were dumped as a result of this "gift". Should be interesting to watch to law suits occur.

Peter is like ground hogs day. Same scams over and over. This man is a textbook scam artist.


06/30/14 7:03 PM

#128364 RE: Cassandra #128359

The price was lower the second announced date than on the first. People's own fault if thwy didn't pick some up after selling. Which they wouldve profited doing woth the price drop. I think salmon and ayers did a bit more promoting the imag then peter. Peter did his part they didn't


06/30/14 8:06 PM

#128366 RE: Cassandra #128359

peter is a crook--belongs in jail--period--end of story--e