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06/28/14 7:29 PM

#24040 RE: Magik007 #24038

Wow! Great post. Hits it right on the button with so many of us that post here. A little of this-a little of that....keeps everything in balance. What a ride this has been and continues to be. I hope to buy you all a beverage at the future REDG party. It would be a real blast to put names to faces, shoot the breeze for awhile, and see what folks will do with their just reward.
I don't see any of this on other boards. I hope we make it someday.


06/28/14 8:35 PM

#24041 RE: Magik007 #24038

I truly appreciate the honest feedback and I definitely will consider the strength of my opinion on the boards having no effect on pps prices. I appreciate your ability to take the good from posts you do not necessarily agree with..I do believe these boards are to help each other more than push an agenda because there just isn't enough guys on here who own this to move it. The wolf pump happened be cause of the 13k he has on twitter. Now that's enough people. There are some strong personalities here. I can see how palmach thinks I am arrogant because he believes so strongly in redg. I just wish there was a way we could start from scratch but when someone has their mind made up its ignorance. We have different styles I guess. I am long and have been for almost 2 years here at REDG under my old handle soicey. Many of you may remember my huge but I made last year before comicon when janette and some others helped push this puppy up a notch. I did flip several times since then and even in the last few days but I have huge skin in the game. I just choose to hold different types of shares. I promise I am only here to be a friend and share logic. I am sorry if posts ever came off strong but it's hard for me to take some of the senseless responses to my posts and the vulgar private messages. I am here to continue making money. But I do like to learn. Your posts always have great work in them and you are an asset. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I will do my part to keep the peace here