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06/27/14 8:47 PM

#224428 RE: F6 #224393

Dare you peer into the secret files of Dick Cheney?

Jun 26, 2014 [with comments]


08/19/14 2:28 AM

#227190 RE: F6 #224393

Tripoli Hit With Airstrikes From Unknown Party, 6 Killed

Posted: 08/18/2014 10:15 pm EDT Updated: 3 hours ago

CAIRO (AP) — Airstrikes launched by an unknown party targeting Islamist-led militias in Libya's capital killed six people Monday, authorities said, as the interim government vowed to investigate the strikes amid raging street battles.

The confusion over who launched the two fighter jets shows the chaos still engulfing Libya after the 2011 civil war that toppled down longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi.

In a statement, the government demanded the chief of staff and military intelligence to investigate the predawn strikes Monday morning targeting positions of militias originally from the coastal city of Misrata and its Islamist allies.

The strikes, under the cover of darkness, sparked fears that a foreign country like Italy carried out the attack, as the Libyan military does not have aircraft that can fly at night, according to a former colonel in the Libyan air force. Libya's newly elected parliament recently asked the United Nations to protect its civilians and stop the fighting. Italy's ambassador to Libya even went on local television to say his country was not involved.

Ahmed Hadiya, the spokesman for Libya Shield, an umbrella group for militias, suggested that the warplanes took off from the Wittiya air base west of Tripoli and targeted a base taken over by his militias recently. He did not provide more details.

A militiaman from the coastal city of Misrata said the jets belong to forces allied to renegade Gen. Khalifa Hifter. The militiaman spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to talk to journalists.

Ali al-Shekhli, an army spokesman, later told television station al-Naba that the jet fighters were "foreign" and urged the government to take action against what he described as a "blatant foreign intervention."

A statement by the Libyan Army chief of staff's media office said that jets used "guided bombs" not in the possession of the Libyan army. It also said the fighters couldn't have flown out of Wittiya because it is closed and Libyan jets can't fly for long distances at night due to needing to refuel.

Tarek Mitri, the outgoing U.N. envoy to Libya, denied that it was involved the strikes. He said both France and Italy denied being involved in the strikes either.

The violence in Libya is rooted to the empowerment of militias after successive transitional governments depended on them to maintain order in the absence of a strong police force or a unified military. It also came as part of a backlash by Islamist factions after losing their power in parliament following June elections and in the face of a campaign by Hifter against extremist Islamic militias in Benghazi, Libya's second-largest city.

In Tripoli, fighting since June concentrated around its international airport, controlled since 2011 by militias affiliated to the mountain town of Zintan. Its opponents, a mixture of Mistara militias and Islamists, launched a surprise attack on the airport aiming to drive them out.

The fighting has destroyed the airport and seen rockets fall on residential areas, sparking fears of wider chaos and prompting diplomats, foreign nationals and Libyans to flee. For six hours, Egypt on Monday cancelled all flights to Libya, saying Libyan authorities had closed the country's airspace.

© 2014 Associated Press [with comments]


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12/01/14 12:29 AM

#230181 RE: F6 #224393

Pirro has a rant accusing Obama of "lawlessness" on immigration, too .. it's in a YouTube and is an energy drip on conservative sites .. yeah, she is wrong ..

Right-Wing Media Wrong About The Legality Of The Upcoming Executive Orders On Immigration
Research November 13, 2014 4:27 PM EST ››› MEAGAN HATCHER-MAYS

i'm not going to post that rant of hers .. also Pirro .. ..
and her ODS mate Allen West went into the ditch on their accusation that Obama
had done the wrong thing in telling the military to enlist illegal immigrants, yet ..

MAVNI is not a new program suddenly opening military service up to potentially dangerous foreign
nationals, however. Started in 2008 under the administration of President George W. Bush...

yes .. it started as a pilot program under George .. i guess she knows it is legal for the media to tell lies so she simply has decided to go the full hog ..