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06/26/14 5:52 PM

#12947 RE: Tasergunn #12945

my concern is Toyota has been known to develop fuel cells on its own. Could they develop fuel cells for their forklifts and squeeze out Plug, although BMW, BENZ and some other manufacturers may prefer plug


06/26/14 7:30 PM

#12949 RE: Tasergunn #12945

Airport tugs are a huge market as they already mentioned in the blog post. Visibility visibility visibility. Charging stations will be great for infrastructure development too. Win win. Fuel cell market is about to bubble over with business.


06/27/14 8:48 AM

#12957 RE: Tasergunn #12945

I have stickied my post from yesterday that had the original link to and text of the blog post (found by mommykat) as well as the movie.

Need to know the context to understand this movie.

Going to be real interesting few days IMHO. my Aug $5 calls should do nicely