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Mr. Bill

06/25/14 11:55 PM

#28082 RE: Kubisiak5 #28080

Expert. Really? Please.

He states that Iran wants Maliki to survive. Why do they give him a piss poor reception then? Why are they LUKE WARM at best to him?

Iran does not want to alienate Iraqi's and are walking a fine tight rope not throwing Maliki under the bus but also not saying anything positive about him.

If Iraq were to decide on Maliki as their PM Iran would be ok with it but they have no interest in pushing Maliki as they wish to avoid any resentment with their neighbor. They know Maliki sucks and the vast majority of Iraqi's hate him and so don't want to be associated with Maliki when the music stops - unless Maliki wins a 3rd term.

If they wanted him to survive they would come out and support him as would their clerics. Not happening in Iran.