it is hard to debate your assertion that the new CFO provides legitimacy. so - any public company that has/hires a CFO automatically becomes legitimate? there is no possible, conceivable way a CFO could be tainted or see an opportunity for a short term win for themselves by exploiting the stock structure/lack of oversight in a microcap company? how long did the CFO at Enron work that company over, with all of its internal controls, SEC and BOD oversight, and numerous peers questioning the numbers...? what prevents that from happening here?
that aside - why is the PR so vague about previous employers? they mention Nortel but that was a failed company and failed in spectacular fashion (in large part due to accounting irregularities). if there are disclosure/confidentiality agreements preventing naming others - simply state that in the PR. unfortunately, the PR did not leave much of a start for DD on the guy.
as far as hiring, i would rather them be hiring sales people, food scientists/engineers, production staff than more people at the top who will require a disproportionate amount of limited capital and more than likely, significant stock/options which will lead to further dilution for shareholders.
all that being said, looks like the market still does not agree with your assertions or confidence. with all this good news - the stock continues to decline. while you are encouraging others to load up and/or imply they might get left behind - you apparently are not following your own advice and loading up on the artificially cheap shares and ground floor opportunity...why not? because you already have too many shares? better opps?
a CFO provides almost no value to a start up unless they are completely, financially inept or is working for a long term, vested payout. since terms werent discussed and no 8K was provided to investors, with the history of poor results and self engorgement - new/current investors are better suited to assume the worst.
maybe he can make an immediate impact and inform the shareholders where the Crestmark capital (and other raises) is being spent and where the money is going? maybe he can move that timeline up frmo 2-4 years (for full reporting) to a non laughable 6 months.