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Bruce A Thompson

06/25/14 5:35 AM

#53966 RE: GearsofWar #53965

OK So That's How It Is Going To Be

So where is that "Volume" you talked about yesterday?

Didn't exist. I will be here with others to refute every lie posted here.

For the benefit of those people you might convince to look at this board:

This stock was one of the worst kind of Chinese scams. Yeung created a completely plausible but unverifiable story about a company in China and sold billions and billions of shares to Ihubbers. After each story finally met it's end, he concocted another and another. Lather, rinse, repeat.

There are many hundreds of Ihubbers out there who have been holding billions and billions of shares for years and who will immediately sell into any BID that shows up. Add to that, Yeung has an unlimited supply of shares which he will also dump into any bid and add to the pressure.

No group of Ihub MOMO players has ever had the kind of buying power it takes to overcome that selling pressure.

You folks got that kind of buying power? Probably not.

The last 5 or 6 times MOMO players came here, NOBODY MADE ANY MONEY and only a very small % even got their investment out.

Steps up and pays yo money! Be another in the long line of losers who have come here and thought they had this momo thing locked.

Do us all a favor. Invest it all. Hurry and lose it all so we won't have to put up with your MOMO crap very long.

Hope you are not one of those who is betting the family trust fund on Ihub penny dreams and will be suicidal when it is gone.