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06/23/14 10:09 AM

#14301 RE: ScooterTime022 #14298

what is Oct 2014 ETD Industry day, and May 2015 new QPL opens?


06/23/14 3:04 PM

#14303 RE: ScooterTime022 #14298

Page 17 talks about the harmonisation I.e. TSA, CATSA etc acting together and apparently it is signed in April, right at the time when we were named gold standard and right after their visit to our headquarters?
Page 23 gives 2820 units as the figure that needs to be replaced, just for TSA, does not include any other governmental institutions, only TSA total is around 90mn dollars
On page 76, there is a 560 acquisition figure for this FY for ETDs, I am not hundred pct sure but this might be the units figure for this year meaning until the end of September, almost 17-18mn dollars
Who does not like this? This document is a sign of the quality of investor base this company currently has. They rather listen to constant BS that happens on the boards. Facts are over in that document for the ones who can see.


06/24/14 3:23 AM

#14311 RE: ScooterTime022 #14298

Scooter- the first time I read I thought that mid September would be the acquisition date the latest. However, look what chapter that info is under "deployments" it might very well be that it refers to the deployments of acquired ETD equipment. That puts the IDIQ more to July/August time frame.
Below is from p22, sounds familiar?
"ETD: Procure additional ETD systems in late FY14. Establish new ETD contracts in FY15" and look at the paragraph just on top of that table: the most technologically efficient and effective...sounds like they are looking for the golden standard.