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06/22/14 7:10 PM

#18484 RE: Alleyba1 #18481

Alleyba - Thanks for the info. Please confirm which facility is swamped with orders, PIMD or MAvP? One of the synergies that I've always been curious about was the wholesale drug compliment to the compounding pharmacy retail business - either MAvP could obtain the raw materials for its pain creams from PIMD at a discount or PIMD could sell MAvP the raw materials at their normal and customary price and record strong margins to help kickstart PIMD's business. Thoughts?
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Huggy Bear

06/22/14 10:12 PM

#18485 RE: Alleyba1 #18481

Can this be backed up with anything factual and publically available to review? Thanks.
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06/23/14 1:15 AM

#18488 RE: Alleyba1 #18481

Alleyba says....................

..........that he received a copy of an e-mail forwarded to him from a shareholder who actually visited the plant of PIMD in Doral, Florida and stated in the e-mail they were so swamped with orders that they are thinking of putting on a double shift. This tells me that compounding revenues for this month could possibly exceed $2 million; moreover, he said in the e-mail that he was advised that more sales people were hired and that they are expanding their licenses to several more states.

PIMD has not launched yet. Per the 10Q, PIMD is currently generating ZERO revenues and is not expected to come online until JUN-2014, which technically is any day now if this forward-looking statement comes to fruition. Considering SCRC's past behavior, one would logically surmise that launching PIMD would be the type of event that SCRC would PR.

PIMD has nothing to do with compounding, so I fail to see any causal relationship between anything PIMD could be doing and concluding that Main Ave will exceed $2M. Not saying Main Ave couldn't hit the $2M level for JUN, but how PIMD plays a role in this is beyond me.

I have never heard of any business, let alone a "plant", who would openly discuss private business decisions with random "joe blows" who come knocking on the door -- regardless of whether anyone simply "identified themselves as a shareholder". Virtually ALL companies/businesses have policies where employees know that they are not to discuss internal company matters with outsiders. In addition, if employees were to talk inappropriately, it would typically be the lower level rank-and-file workers who may not be aware of the policy and ARE NOT PRIVY to legitimate strategic info; Mgmt personnel who WOULD know this strategic info would NOT be stupid enough to blab internal matters (such as the items you mentioned) to complete strangers off the street.

Nearly EVERY public company knows to instruct field/operations/corp personnel to direct shareholder inquiries to the Investor Relations dept at Corporate HQ, and to NOT comment on anything directly.

We already know that SCRC is considering expanding its salesforce due to the growth of Main Ave and the launch of PIMD. And we already know that SCRC is planning on expanding into other states. The problem is that these applications take time and SCRC has been completely silent as to what states have been applied for, when they were applied for, how long each state's application period is, etc.

No disrespect intended, but overall, I call BS on the items being alleged in this email you are referring to. As it was originally constructed and presented, the items being touted as imminent catalysts appear to be nothing more than non-sensical rumor-mongering that can prove harmful to legitimate retail investors.