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06/20/14 2:46 PM

#180647 RE: biopharm #180641

Look biopharm you are a wealth of knowledge and I'm very appreciative as well as the whole board. The problem is that this stock should be much higher based on all you have reported and what is known about this company. Believe me, if you know they know and that's the reality of the situation.

The powers to be rigged the Phase II trials, allowed PPHM to get another shot and now will determine the outcome and how it all plays out. Look at the crap Avastin and some of these other drugs that have lethal side effects and provide no benefits. How many lawsuits over the years on numerous drugs, but they always get off with a small payout compared to what they made. Just like the bankers paying a $10 billion fine after they sold toxic derivatives to public pensions for $100 billion in profits.

Big Tobacco, Big Pharma and TBTF banks and companies (GE, IBM, HPQ etc) determine outcomes with the gov't. Its called Fascism and basically its gov't in collusion with big business at the expense of the citizenship. This board really needs to stop trashing me and get their heads out of their asses.

PPHM has little say over the next steps in the process. FDA and BP determined that they would get another shot with a PIII fast track status. Look at MNKD and they are 6 months away from having the capability to produce enough product even though they will be approved in July. MNKD was also railroaded and should have been approved over a year ago. Criminal at best.