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06/20/14 6:03 PM

#25 RE: amishgangsta #22


strong buy right now, way oversold, big news here..
shorts are running out the door as quick as they can.

ok amishgangster, i need 10k to get off the streets and pay
a years rent upfront,
are you going to help me out? you know, i've had many people,
tell me they can help... if i DIDN'T listen to the first basher,
i ever came across... i'd have hit my target months ago and i
would have been off the streets already. but they made me sell
half my position out of fear... if i held it, i'd have had my 10k months ago.

i'd have a nice place to call home.. i'd have what everyone else takes for granted.

now, because i sold half my position, and listened to people like you,
who say 'erbb is bad buy xxxx instead'... i have lost everything,
and i have less than the $1k i started with...
Why would i make the same mistake again?

so while you are laughing and thinking this is all a big joke,
its not. enjoy what you have. because i hope you lose everything
and end up on the streets, with no one to ask for help, and no way to get by.

you deserve it, you deserve to have nothing. i bet you couldn't survive a week with no money and no shelter.