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06/19/14 9:27 PM

#224069 RE: BOREALIS #224044

The President is absolutely right not to send combat troops into Iraq again. Those calling for otherwise are a bunch of morons.
The President should not involve us at all in this civil war except to protect any US assets or people. He should not strike ISIS by air either or take a side. The Mailiki/Iran/Assad/Hizbullah axis should not be supported one bit. The President did not step in and help Syrian citizens when they were being brutalized by Assad far far more than what is happening today in Iraq. Over a hundred thousand dead in Syria and chemical weapons used on its people crossing Obama's line and no intervention via boots on the ground or airstrikes so certainly no involvement is warranted here either.
We should simply stay out it let them fight their own civil and religious wars. We cant win picking a side here between Sunni and Shiite. The Mailiki govt. has treated the Sunni people horribly and contributed greatly to this uprising. I hope Obama stays out of this altogether. Quite frankly if Maliki and Baghdad are toppled so be it. They are not friends of the USA and dont give a shit about our people. The Maliki/Iran/Assad/Hizzbullah axis are every bit as much terrorists and funders of terrorism as ISIS and AlQueda so I dont think we should help either one of them.