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06/19/14 10:38 AM

#224035 RE: BOREALIS #224034

Don't the Cheneys look happy someone - especially FOX - finally stood up to them?


06/19/14 10:39 AM

#224036 RE: BOREALIS #224034

Dick Cheney sez


06/19/14 4:31 PM

#224046 RE: BOREALIS #224034

Barbara Boxer Remembers McCain's Dreadful Iraq Prediction

Tom Kludt – June 19, 2014, 3:30 PM EDT

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) said Thursday that she doesn't put much stock in Sen. John McCain's (R-AZ) perspective on the unraveling situation in Iraq.

She learned plenty about the Arizona senator's expertise on the subject after Congress voted to give George W. Bush authorization to use military force against Saddam Hussein's regime.

During an interview Thursday with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell, Boxer, who voted against the Iraq War resolution in 2002, recalled a conversation she had with McCain around that time.

"Listen, I'm happy to listen to John McCain because I like him as a person. But if anyone — anyone — is to tell us what to do, it's not him," Boxer said. "He told me when I was very worried, after I had voted no on the Iraq War, and it was going on and on. He said to me, he was so sweet about it, he said, 'This thing's going to be over in three to six months.' And that's what Rumsfeld said. That's what they all said. They were wrong."

"Andrea, if you took your car into a mechanic and he destroyed the whole car and you couldn't even turn it on, you wouldn't go back to the same mechanic when there's a problem," she added.

Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) likewise dismissed McCain's credibility on Iraq earlier this month and questioned why the 2008 GOP presidential nominee continues to get so much airtime.

"Why does the news media go to John McCain to ask him any time there's anything happening because you know he's going to be, 'go to war, send troops,'" Meeks said. "It just doesn't make sense."


06/23/14 9:40 AM

#224211 RE: BOREALIS #224034

Bernie Sanders Tees Off On Dick Cheney and Vows To Adamantly Oppose Any New War In Iraq

By: Jason Easley
Friday, June, 20th, 2014, 8:26 pm

Sen. Bernie Sanders sent a message to Dick Cheney and the other Republicans who are calling for war with Iraq. On MSNBC, Sanders warned the warmongers that he will adamantly oppose any attempts to send ground troops into Iraq.


After discussing how the trillions of dollars spent in Iraq could have been used to repair US infrastructure and create millions of new jobs, Sen. Sanders (I-VT) said:

I voted against the war going into that war, and the one thing that really drives me a little bit nuts is people are still listening to the Dick Cheneys and the others who got us into this disastrous situation in the first place by not telling us the truth and the reality of what was going on in Iraq.

To my mind clearly, this is not just an American issue. It is a crisis which the international community has got to deal with, which the region. Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran have got to be working with the international community to stop terrorists from taking over Iraq, but I am adamantly opposed to sending ground troops into Iraq, and to get back into that war that we got out of.

I do support the president protecting the embassy. I think some troops giving training to the Iraqi army is okay, but I will adamantly oppose the United States getting involved in a ground war in Iraq again.

If Republicans even try to get around President Obama and fire up the ground war in Iraq again, they are going to meet with a wall of resistance among the American people. Even though, the majority of Republicans oppose sending ground troops back into Iraq it is telling than many Republican congressional leaders have been very quiet on the issue. The Republicans who oppose sending ground troops in have let the Bush neo-cons resurface and take the spotlight away from them.

There is zero chance that President Obama will send ground troops back into Iraq, but the war hawk segment of the Republican Party is beating the drums for more conflict and bloodshed. Their war cries worked on a nation that was still reeling from 9/11, but they are not going to successful a second time.

Sen. Sanders is correct. There is a way to assist the Iraqi government without sending combat troops back in. He was also correct that Iraq’s stability is an issue for the international community. An Iraq that is controlled by terrorists is a danger to the world. This is why despite the growls coming out of Cheney land, the American people must stick together and send the united message that there will be no more ground war in Iraq.


06/23/14 9:48 AM

#224212 RE: BOREALIS #224034

Obama Hits Back Against GOP Warmongers: No Amount Of US Firepower Can Hold Iraq Together

By: Jason Easley
Monday, June, 23rd, 2014, 9:31 am

On CNN’s New Day, President Obama made his strongest statement yet against Republicans who are calling for ground troops in Iraq. The president said, “There’s no amount of American firepower that’s going to be able to hold the country together.”

Transcript via CNN:

BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We gave Iraq the chance to have an inclusive democracy, to work across sectarian lines, to provide a better future for their children. And, unfortunately, what we’ve seen is a breakdown of trust. There’s no doubt that there has been a suspicion for quite some time now among Sunnis that they have no access to using the political process to deal with their grievances.

So, part of the task now is to see whether Iraqi leaders are prepared to rise above sectarian motivations, to come together and compromise. If they can’t, there’s not going to be a military solution to this problem. You know, there’s no amount of American firepower that’s going to be able to hold the country together. I made that very clear to Mr. Maliki and all the other leadership inside of Iraq.

BOLDUAN: But by going into the country, to support this Iraqi government, to support Iraqi forces now, there’s a real risk that you will very likely be seen as supporting the Shiite side. Isn’t that inflaming the tension further and thus doing exactly what ISIS wants?

OBAMA: Yes, actually not, because the terms in which we’re willing to go in as advisers initially is to do an assessment of, do they still have a functioning chain of command, and is their military still capable? But what we’ve also said is that if we don’t see Sunni, Shia and Kurd representation in the military command structure, if we don’t see Sunni, Shia and Kurd political support for what we’re doing, then we won’t do it.

BOLDUAN: Finally, do you really believe in your gut that this change can happen, that they can unify in Iraq?

OBAMA: I think we’ll know from soon enough. They don’t have a lot of time. There’s a timetable that is in place under their constitution. The good news is that so far at least all the parties have said that we want to abide by the constitution.

So, they had the chance, but, you know, ultimately what I think the vast majority of Americans understand is that we can’t do it for them, and we certainly can’t redeploy tens of thousands of U.S. troops to try to keep a lid on a problem if the people themselves don’t want to solve it.

President Obama is correct. The United States gave Iraq more than a fair chance, and literally trillions of dollars in support. The problem has always been twofold. The ability of the Iraqi government overcome sectarian differences and unify the country, and the willingness of the Iraqis themselves to fight for their government.

What Dick Cheney, John McCain, Marco Rubio and other Republicans are either openly advocating, or hinting at is a bigger US role in Iraq. Some Republicans are seeking to exploit the ISIS problem in Iraq, in the same way, that they used 9/11 as a reason for the initial invasion of Iraq. Counter terrorism can’t be used as an excuse for propping up the Iraqi government. The intentional confusion of the two goals is what got the United States into Iraq in the first place.

The US will do their part, but at some point the Iraqis must display a willingness to fight for their own government. If the Iraqi people aren’t willing to fight to keep their government, the United States can’t do it for them. For people like Dick Cheney, sending more combat troops to Iraq isn’t about helping the Iraqi people. Cheney is only concerned about protecting his legacy. If the Bush installed government falls in Iraq, it will be the final crushing blow to the Bush legacy of failure.

President Obama is making sure that this nation doesn’t again go down the path of failure blazed by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.