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06/26/14 1:10 AM

#224321 RE: StephanieVanbryce #224007

The Rude Pundit - Results That Clearly Demonstrate That Republicans Can Go Fuck Themselves

A poll came out yesterday that says, "Hey, guess what, limbless Iraq war vets? We think the whole fuckin' thing was a waste of time now. But enjoy those fancy artificial legs. And VA wait times." You can read the poll results, which say that 71% of Americans say the war wasn't "worth it," and think, smugly that they're goddamn right, just like you were since 2003. And, in fact, the Rude Pundit will say that now:

"You're goddamn right it wasn't worth it. Where were you motherfuckers back in 2003?"

However, that's a bit unfair. After a brief flirtation with approving of the worthless war, Democrats haven't polled in the affirmative above 40% since 2004 when asked if the nation should have stuck its bombing ass into Iraq. Indeed, the numbers themselves never go above the mid-40s since 2003 and they plunge to the 30s and never recover since 2005, conveniently for the Bush presidency. In fact, war approval overall was always middling at best.

But let's lay the blame for the Iraq "war" squarely where it belongs: on the Republicans. Sure, some Democratic lawmakers voted to give Bush the ability to go to war and some liberal hawks in the military jacked it to fake WMD reports. Democratic voters, though, are another animal altogether. They were consistent with their opposition, with weasel-eyed independents not far behind. It was Republicans who enjoyed having their blood orgies under the spouting arteries of dying Americans and Iraqis. Their approval stayed consistently in the 70s, sometimes bumping uglies with the 80 percent mark, just balling away, madly, like the smell of gunpowder and gore was an aphrodisiac that makes you fuck harder and longer, the Spanish fly of the deranged cult of eternal war. The only reason support for the war lingered as high as the 40-49% range for so long was because an overwhelming number of Republicans supported staying in and fighting the useless fight.

You own the Iraq war, GOP. "Everyone" didn't support it. You supported it in huge numbers. You can blame a few cowardly Democratic Senators, but this isn't on us outside the beltway. Our hands, while filthy for many reasons, are pretty clean on this. Yours, on the other hand, are permanently dyed by the blood of the dead and wounded.

Even now, an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll shows that a plurality of Republicans think the Iraq "war" was worth the lives and money: 46% to 44%. You got that? According to this poll, nearly half of Republicans still think like America's most petulant pixie, John McCain. And the only thing you can say to those people is simple.

Go fuck yourselves. However you wanna do it. Use a dildo, use a cucumber, use the fucking bed post, use your shotgun, but go fuck yourselves. That shit goes double for the vast numbers of Republicans who supported the war for years and now think it was a bad idea. Seriously, use a fuckin' ramrod on your assholes.

While we're at it, let's tell all the Mississippians who voted for Chris McDaniel to go fuck themselves with a magnolia tree branch until they shit all over the Confederate flag. Nearly 185,000 voters, including most of the southeastern part of the state, chose the racist, conspiracy-mongering, Confederacy-loving teabagger because he was to right of the far right fucknut who was already in the Senate.

Mississippi has given us as clear a demonstration as you could want that the Tea Party is just a bunch of white supremacists crossed with Christian extremists, a bunch of inbred fucking lunatics who are going to blow up the Republican Party.

In other words, Republicans have just begun to fuck themselves.