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06/17/14 2:46 PM

#2691 RE: johny1 #2690

How can you never have seen Top Gun? That's like a rule or something. I don't believe you. Let me guess; you never watched Episode IV, V, or VI? And if you did, it was after I, II, and III were released and Annikan's character had established himself as Luke's Father. You see, for those of us who saw Empire Strikes Back in the theater, it was impossible to believe that Luke was Darth Vadar's son. However; the kids these days, shucks; they never had to wait until Return of the Jedi came out to find out that Darth really was Annikan. So; I suppose this means nothign adn that maybe, just maybe the world will go back to normal, but for one brief moment, just hypothosize for a bit that in fact DGMA had an Episode or two left in her. I think the tandem Marijuana & Mining Industry along with South American Brazilian soccer can make for a hit this upcomming investor season. So; we really shouldn't give up hope. It's like Top Gun, we don't have to be the best to win at this game, we have to just be one of the last one's standing or shrimp-boats fishing.