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06/17/14 2:17 PM

#179399 RE: DewDiligence #179395

When was last time two competing products from two different companies submitting BLAs on the same day?


10/29/14 3:39 PM

#183345 RE: DewDiligence #179395

FDA approves PFE’s Trumenba (meningitis-B vaccine) for patients age 10-25:

This is an Accelerated Approval based on immune response (a surrogate marker); an outcome study is in progress.

NVS has a pending BLA for a similar vaccine (#msg-103391258).


01/23/15 6:02 PM

#186515 RE: DewDiligence #179395

FDA approves GSK/NVS’ Bexsero meningitis-B vaccine:

A similar vaccine from PFE, called Trumenba, was approved by the FDA in Oct 2014 (#msg-107658855). Both products are approved for people aged 10-25. Curiously, the two BLAs were submitted on the same day (#msg-103391258).

NVS developed Bexsero, but it now belongs to GSK as part of the asset transfer between these companies announced in Apr 2014 (#msg-100909502).

Please see #msg-79734337 for background info on meningitis B.