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06/17/14 12:35 PM

#51009 RE: Tradeinman #51008

AGREED, we will have daily revenues in a year, so they can dilute all they want now to get that to happen. IMHO



06/17/14 12:53 PM

#51012 RE: Tradeinman #51008

AS does mine I have been ok to SOME degree with the needed monies form the dilution we have had ,but telling all here and now ya thunk .004 hurts wait till they double the tos and this is.002 .
Now with the comment alone one can already see what TRUE INVESTOR opinion is of this,so by the time it gets there and gets approves it will be .001 on it's own and then cut in half again.......

Oh and plese don't slap me for my opinion ya might hurt my feelers and it's not like I am not still here and not like I didnt buy 840,000 shares last week so and hold X,XXX,XXX millions


06/17/14 12:58 PM

#51014 RE: Tradeinman #51008

You keep exaggerating everything from the company's position, to the shareholders opinions, to the history, ALL exaggerated WAY out of proportion to what is actually going on.

How about keeping it real. There are both reasons for skepticism and reasons to be excited about the future here.
1. management made some mistakes in trying to ship ore before the mill is ready. However, this is not a scam and so far dilution has been used to fund the company and not just line the pockets of the management

2. Management wants to increase AS. We don't know by how much yet or what for yet. Despite your claims, most here have said they DO NOT approve of a share increase. However, we are waiting for more information when the 10Q and CC happen.

3. Many good things happened here in getting Fencemaker up and running. We knew there would be dilution to pay for that. There was no surprise there for most of us Even knowing that the stock price climbed to .08. What we didn't expect was for the com pay to cut off communication with us. They seem to be trying to rectify that. Again, we will see in the next few weeks with the 10Q and CC.

Keep it balanced.