JBII is quoted on the OTC Markets, a two tier system, consisting of brokers at the first tier and Broker Dealers at the second tier. Quotation on the OTC Markets occurs at the Broker Dealer level (MM), therefore if the Ask is at .11 then yes an MM is representing the National Best Ask for .11 for a retail trader. They do not hide, they do not "bypass", they simply QUOTE the orders that meet the minimum size for quotation, which between .10 to .1999 is 5000 shares from a single broker/retail. Soon JBII will be trading at 10,000 share minimums for quotation, let us review FINRA Rule 6433:
Although one may want to purchase 4000 shares at .103 or .105, their Bid will not be displayed nationally, unless of course there is another customer willing to buy at least 1000 shares to make a total combined order of 5000 shares at the SAME broker. Claiming a 4000 share BID is "legit" is full of shit. It is only "legit" at the broker level at that brokerage, unless one wants to call their order in and pay the fees to have their broker call 3 other brokers to see if they can find shares at that same price. As it pertains to NBBO and L2 however it does not make the cut to be displayed therefore it doesnt exist at the National Market level.
Therefore any order that meets the minimum requirements will in fact be processed at the NBBO and L2 if it is in fact the Best Ask or Best Bid. Furhter L2 is a trading TOOL, it has no order DEPTH, it only displays the best from each corresponding broker, it also does not display 9 different order including the already discussed orders that DO NOT MEET THE MINIMUM QUOTATION REQUIREMENTS, but let us review once again the 8 different orders that will result in no display on the NBBO and L2 for JBII, FINRA Rule 6460:
Pretty straight forward stuff, if one places an AON order for example, well guess what.... IT DOESNT SHOW UP ON L2, it is not because the MM is hiding it, it is because it doesnt better the NBBO at any time because the retail made it CONDITIONAL.
MMs do not care what this turd trades at, in fact they do not even know it exists, they do not trade these crap securities from their own principal accounts, in fact they use a process called Riskless Principal to complete trade transactions if an order meets the minimum and can be processed.
There are no "conspiring" entities.. well exception being the morons that run this company that collude to hide material information like broken equipment and no production form shareholders. Of course the same morons that have failed to get this security back in reporting status with the SEC. If they ever do become current you can bet your ass that this will be dumped to the brink when those Rule 144 shareholders get their opportunity if they ever do.