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03/24/06 9:42 AM

#3769 RE: silver100 #3767

Sorry if my last message comes off as a rant but I stand by my arguments rant or not. No harm directed at you airdale1 so please don't take it that way.


03/24/06 10:04 AM

#3771 RE: silver100 #3767

silver100-were you recruited by the hedgefund manager?

I noticed at the time of your first post, that your identity was newly created & apparently specifically created for use on AURC's mb (as your profile indicates that you have posted nowhere else up until now); that you were born right at the same time that someone claiming to be a hedgefund manager PMed me want to instant message with me and exchange "trading ideas."

In fact, here's a copy of what he/she PM:


I have been watching your posts, and am impressed by your track record, If you are interested I would like to open AIM/ MEssenger communication with you so that we could share trading ideas."

"hey, that is funny about your hunting and pecking, but I do not think its a big deal.. Unfortunately I manage a hedgefund now and I am not allowed to enter chat rooms anymore, or messaege boards, that is why I am messaging the good traders I can find and askign them to open communication with me via: IM programs.. that is the only thing I can actually do.."

I politely declined his/her offer, stating that I don't do that instant messaging thing with ANYONE... partially because I type so slowly... and primarily because I don't like the security risk the IM poses for computers (viruses & hackers).

Anyway... judging by the timing & tone of your posts silver100, I was wondering if you were recruited by the hedgefund manager and decided to join forces with "the dark side" of trading? I'm certain that the hedgefund manager wouldn't give-up on his recruiting search after receiving my cold shoulder, AURC provide too much potential for them to manipulate, and having posters on the MB to help influence unsuspecting trader/investor sentiment is a very effective tool, I'd imagine.

Whether or not you are a member of this hedgefund manager's team is really irrelevant silver100... As my intention was just to alert the fact to ALL members of this forum... to be WARY of posts on this board (and most likely many/all mb) as there are MOST DEFINITELY posters amongst use with hidden agendas contrary to LONG investor's goals. Obviously question the veracity of negative posts or those laced with innuendo the most. (imho)

God luck to everyone with ALL of your investments!


03/24/06 10:10 AM

#3772 RE: silver100 #3767

Judging from the reports of Parkin's comments and the number of meetings going on, it looks like a number of companies are doing their due diligence on Aurus at the moment. This seems to be where Parkin is concentrating his efforts and he seems confident of a successful outcome. I have no doubt that the financials and audit are available to these companies but given the present strategy there is no point in making them public. A website would be redundant also in the event of a takeover or merger with a larger company.