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06/14/14 10:31 PM

#57267 RE: tynich01 #57266

Oh and while you are at it read the year end filings. And then read this board from 2-3 months ago when we all talked about it. And then read this while you are at it

And then read the otc markets and see the AS is 2 bil.


06/14/14 10:34 PM

#57268 RE: tynich01 #57266

Here. Here is more work for you


06/14/14 10:38 PM

#57269 RE: tynich01 #57266

Here and read the annual report. See the 50 bil on the same line as the last quarterly? Yeah that means while you so called "investors" bought into this the financial had reported the same typo in freaking February as it did in the quarterly but because nobody does any DD of their own and only reads what is posted on ihub you take that as something new. Did one of you email the ceo and ask him? Or for that matter do any work.

If you are such great investors why didn't you catch this like we did 3 FREAKIN MONTHS AGO.