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06/14/14 1:33 PM

#20155 RE: nikon24 #20154

I am not relating that instance to now. Someone said it is a grand conspiracy for this to be a scam. That is not true. This company has been nothing but a scam its entire existence, with Sean McVeigh and Vincent Browne playing major roles. I bought in to the Fabio hype. I found all of that scam related material when I researched this but put it aside. It concerns me that McVeigh is still involved. I have emailed IR on numerous occasions expressing my concerns, however never got a response. I have tried researching Fabio but can find nothing other than that info from that mag ranking him the 5th best mlm ceo. That is done by survey. Anyone can place votes. I found he ran a company called Telme, but cant really find anything about it or him.

The whole idea of the Power Clouds in ingenious. My problem is that I can't find anything to verify this company does anything. The WSJ will publish any company's pr. Mustangs isnt saying those satellite photos are faked. He is saying that Power Clouds didn't build them. I honestly have no idea if they did or didnt build them. Thats why I keep asking those who are long if they can confirm it. If it is true, and they have 4 million in profit for the quarter, I want back in. I bailed (too early by the way) that the reverse was announced. I did so because it was a blatant lie which is typical of some of these penny stock ceos. When they are constantly messing with the share structure, it causes me concern. When one week they say we will not reverse split and the next they do it, it concerns me.

Just sayin