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06/13/14 1:44 PM

#13923 RE: SOROS #13917

What does Iraq's crisis mean for oil?
Islamist militants in Iraq have seized two new towns and threaten to move on Baghdad leading to a sense of fear in the oil market, but why have prices risen?

Source: BBC Business

13-June-2014 01:04:19

crazy horse 0

06/13/14 5:09 PM

#13927 RE: SOROS #13917

Yep, all our soldiers died for nothing

I really feel for those soldiers who are suffering from health and physical issues due to the Iraq War.

Worst than Viet Nam. I hope the liberals and the main stream media take issue with this Iraq failure. The Hippies marched and made a lot of noise on Viet Nam.

I can say that the Hippies were right about the Viet Nam War but the mistreatment of our soldiers was wrong.

Blood-soaked fanatics who make Al Qaeda look amateur: Formidable army of 12,000 black-clad fanatics who rule by beheading, amputation and crucifixion