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03/23/06 11:20 PM

#1461 RE: shermann7 #1459

Tomorrow morning we are supposed to get some Tyche shares that BIGN still hasn't told us what we can do with. So I guess it is no surprise that they feel we don't need no anything about the slotting. Maybe they will need some money some day and decide to put some news out that means something. I really thought that the news the other day was just a start of a long list of info needed for investors, but I was mistaken. I also wondered why we didn,t get a little pop in the share price with that news. It looks like the people watching this stock knows this company and knew they where going to leave us high and dry. I wish all the luck in world to you guys that are staying in, but this company isn't for me. I'll be gone before 9 A M.


03/24/06 3:25 AM

#1464 RE: shermann7 #1459


indeed. My main interest in this matter is the cooperation between BIGN and WWNG.

WWNG 's price spiking (up 30%+ on - I must say - low volume) might indicate news is up. Might be BIGN news too...