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06/12/14 3:13 PM

#915 RE: DrContango #914

Yes, but what indicators? What is the guide post you use? I know the VIX curve, but how does that tell anyone the expected direction? Is it because it was at " lows not seen since 2007" ? Because that info was gleaned off Stochastics and RSI on the traditional candlestick chart. Same info, but mine was kind of brushed off as " irrelevant" . I know the " why" is better explained by the links you peovided, but as Mr Dows old adage goes, it's not the why, rather the what , that matters. The "what" is that VXX is completely beat down, and obviously is more likely to pop. That's why I use Stochastics, it " indicates" what may be coming trend/ price wise. What's wrong w that? According up calls, nothing .