Well there is a gray area here. EPAZZ likely holds the majority share of the Flex Fridge stock, just like how Yahoo owns a huge stake in Alibaba.
If FlexFridge were to be profitable, EPAZZ could certainly see an appreciation.
I guess the problem here is that FlexFridge is a stupid product with no real market value.
A hotel/motel is never going to move the fridge and they'll want to use a refined and good looking model.
The Flex Fridge is probabaly going to cost an arm and a leg. Again, the college student is going to go looking for the cheapest fridge option. Flex Fridge probably wont be that.
The camping markey is really the only market this appeals too, and even then, how does a camper power it? Anyone with an RV is going to have a built in refridgerator.
I agree this patent and company does not add value to EPAZZ, but for a completely different investment reason.