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05/22/03 11:04 AM

#731 RE: jcradio #730

Don't be so sure, jc. I fear Hillary more than any democrat. She is the darling of the media, which gets her more positive publicity for free than any republican candidate could pay for. The sheeple in the northeastern megalopolis and those in the People's Republik Of Kalifornia adore her. She would win the popular vote in most elections, although perhaps not this one. Bush can only win if the economy improves, however.

If she chooses to run, she would be the nominee since she consistantly scores higher in the polls than does any other current candidate. My bet is that she chooses not to run this time and runs in 2008, and I'll bet she wins then. The only republican that would have a snowball's chance against her in 2008 might be Bill Frist.
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05/22/03 2:50 PM

#732 RE: jcradio #730

Jcradio. This below was written a while ago.
Interesting website. LOL! Good article imo.
Never under estimate.

The Next President

While the Republicans do their level-best to water down conservative-Christian philosophy, in the mistaken belief that they can translate the effort into additional middle ground votes, the next president of the United States calmly and methodically lays waste to all potential opposition and gathers control of leftist capital and what remains of the uncontrolled portion of the Democratic Party apparatus.

It's almost unbelievable that - after the razor-thin electoral victory against the popular vote winner, Al Gore - the Republicans can be so arrogant in their assurance that George W. Bush will be the hands-down winner of the next presidential contest. It's an arrogance of the scope not displayed since Pickett's charge at Gettysburg.

Only two years after barely beating Al Gore, the Republican Party is making the biggest mistake that any entity can possibly make about its position: It is underestimating the cunning and gall of its enemy. In fact: A case can be made that the Republican Party is playing into its enemy's hands.

Only two years after her "husband" Bill Clinton finally left the office he so thoroughly disgraced, Hillary Rodham Clinton stands atop the same party, data base and voter support that almost gave us President Al "Armand Hammer" Gore. With Al Gore out of the running, Hillary leads her party in the United States Senate, in fundraising and in support as a potential candidate for President of the United States.

Incredibly, some in the Republican Party actually hope Hillary makes a run in '04, in the belief that a loss will dispense the evil leftist for good. Not only does this thinking underestimate the enemy, it overestimates the same American public that twice elected Bill Clinton and almost elected Al Gore.

This thinking is positively arrogant, coming after the Republican nominee was elected only by a decision from the United States Supreme Court, from a party that can only barely maintain control of the US Congress, from a party that only remains competitive because of its attempts to stay philosophically similar to its leftist and politically-correct opposition, from a party that does not have the courage of its convictions on every important issue from abortion to limited government.

It may be fate.

Likely, it will be destiny.

We believe that one of two possible scenarios will see Hillary Rodham Clinton elected to national office - and/or elevated to president - in 2004: Hillary will be nominated and elected outright in '04, or she will sneak in as vice-president and assume the office after the designated stooge at the top of the ticket conveniently gets whacked or resigns.

Because the Republicans have positioned themselves so close to socialist-PC philosophy, the voting public only has to move slightly one way or the other. That can happen with Hillary either at the top or the bottom of the Democratic ticket. There is no clear-cut choice.

One glaring mistake from President George W. Bush and the voters can easily swing Hillary's way. Bush makes one single mistake that lands him in lame-duck status and Hillary can easily be nominated and become the only alternative. A disaster in Iraq or, again, in the US, a steady economic downturn, a bad joke caught on a TV microphone and Hillary wins outright.

It may also happen the other way - the Clinton way. The way we have come to expect from the evil, vile couple that has come close to destroying this nation. Hillary "reluctantly" accepts the vice-presidential nomination, "for the children," then assumes the office of president after getting the top guy out of the way.

None of this is farfetched at all. Look at what the media just did to Trent Lott. Look at how Lott pandered and played to the forces arrayed against him. Look at how it did not work. Imagine what the media would do in support of Hillary and against Bush. The media would rally to Hillary's aid like they would for no other. The American public would also buy it. Especially after a Bush slip - even a manufactured one.

Just a year ago, those on the right were saying that Hillary would not even get re-elected to the US Senate in 2006. Yet, today, she is poised for either position on the national ticket of her party. She has claimed the highest profile of any senator of her party. She leads all comers in fundraising nationwide - only two years into her Senatorialdom.

President George W. Bush has also paved the way for Hillary to be the LAST US president. Because of the 9/11 attacks or, rather, because of the civil liberties that have been waved and eliminated after the 9/11 attacks, Hillary will have power like no US president has ever had. What a decent man like George W. Bush would never do, Hillary would do in the blink of an eye. She would quickly tighten the government's grip on every single front. With Hillary in office, we are only one step away from a "national emergency," or a "crisis," from which we must be "saved" by Hillary.

It's going to happen, folks!

"Nice" George will lose the next election and the gutless Republicans will only have themselves to blame.



It may even be biblical.

Welcome to the real world.

Anti-Christ of the Year...
Hillary Rodham Clinton