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05/22/03 6:26 AM

#372 RE: lmorovan #370

Poor Lmorovan:

His post #370 is a perfect example of the proposition that others are writing many of his posts, especially those having sonething to do with the Settlement Agreement and distribution. The differences in style and grammar are obvious.

Reading the posts on the Lochlong Board which were penned from around midnite to 2:00 AM, was a real treat. It should be labeled "The Battle of the Bashers". Each basher was attempting to out do their fellow basher with what they perceived to be clever one-liners and intellectual musings. As has been the case in recent weeks, the bashers welcomed Lmo to play along with them.

Poor Lmo. He's the poor sucker that gets invited to the basement of his supposed friends house in high school and takes great pride in winning the blindfolded circle jerk contest only to find out that he was the only one in the contest who was blindfolded and yanking his pud. (Sorry for this analogy, but it seemed to perfectly describe what the bashers are doing to Lmo)

Maybe Lmo should appeal the May 30th ruling, which will in all liklihood, approve the Settlement Agreement. It will be good practice for the appeals he will have to take from the judgments which will be rendered against him in the very near future and will serve as another piece of evidence in the civil conspiracy lawsuits brought against him.

Of course, the reason he's selling out Loch shareholders may very well have to do with the fact that he has nothing to lose and everything to gain. I mean, what's his exposure? Losing 5,100 shares of Loch--present value $75.00? Can you garnish welfare benefits? And we know that he has publicly entertained the notion of being bought off.

Who's more pathetic--Lmo or the parasites that are taking advantage of his inferiority complex?