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Until2020, formerly Until2017

06/19/14 10:26 AM

#147 RE: NYBob #146

( Sorry for the late reply )

I have been buying what you recommend as funds permit.

My account is tied up in lots of things -- unrelated things -- which have locked most of my working capital

Mostly though, these other things are devouring my time.

PNPFF, and its underlying mines ( many of which I own, including ) are lumbering beasts, plodding along in a solid way. But not moving too fast yet.

I am here today because I noticed the very nice bump this a.m.

Good times ahead. This year ! And especially by 2017 and 2020, when I see this financial house of cards going down. COMPLETELY !

Thanks for your posts. I always read them, but do not always have time for a thoughtful response these days !

THanks again, very much
