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Replies to #84 on Radio Free Lair


06/07/14 5:46 PM

#87 RE: joyceschoice #84

Indeed, subject brings out interesting comments- ,

Greed - ONLY in America

Envy - ONLY in America

Avarice - ONLY in America

Sloth - ONLY in America

Lust - ONLY in America

Gluttony - ONLY in America

Everywhere you look, Americans appear to be extremely obsessed with wealth and money.

Maybe it’s everywhere YOU look, Snyder. Maybe you need to get out more often.

The big economic boom happened because the rest of the world was nearly back in the stone age after WW2, from Europe to Asia, now with their resurgence we were still doing ok because of the reserve status of the dollar even though we lost most of our manufacturing and we quote unquote thrived in a service economy.

When the dollar is forced to come home we will be looking at a country with close to 500 million people and not much industry to keep most of them employed. Without a reserve currency the service economy is a bunch of bull.

So we will be no different than any other asian country with a large population of people just scraping by. And all that 'growth' in the population will be like a sword hanging over our heads as we will have rampant crime to go with the rampant poverty. Detroit is a cancer that is spreading.

Expect women to become even more selective and go all out for any guy making a decent income, no matter what the age, just like in South America. Except it wont be just goldiggers as it is now here, but rather your pretty girl next door who doesnt want to be in poverty and will say adios to the high school sweetheart as she is now in search of security.

Words and concepts like proof, truth and evidence have lost their meaning in this Age of Advertising. All political issues are reduced to a Coke vs Pepsi where the only thing that matters in the end is who sold more product. In war time it's understood that the primary/only concern is winning and if that requires propaganda (lies) then so be it. The Age of Advertising is like a never ending, amoral war. "Truth is for losers", if you will.