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Black Beerd

06/06/14 10:07 AM

#14045 RE: bearsmuter #14044

LOL...FLUFF is always nice....its why its called FLUFF. It plays into the rainbows, lollipops, free pony rides, balloons dream trading strategy. Whats nice to an investor is the success story resulting from the balance sheet . Articles are written by the is only made by good talent driving the company.

Chin Up!


06/06/14 12:16 PM

#14046 RE: bearsmuter #14044

Yeah real good article. LOL. testing kiln dried lumber against stand dry is the same as comparing the absorbing qualities against a rock and sponge.

And yet another goody, "Steve supplied the lumber, the manpower and, most importantly, educated the entire crew." The Conman failed to mention, he collected his $300k plus bonuses and free vacations plus videos all supplied through Major toxic dilution!!. "Steve" supplied NOTHING!, the gifts were off the backs of shareholders through Toxic death spiral financing!. "That's 1 for you and 5 for us!. Redwood toxic financial thanks you1" for short termed loan that quadrupled their money!.

"Steve Conboy recognizes the risk posed to homeowners, occupants and first responders in the case of a fire, and he’s not afraid to step up and do something about it."
Translation: CEO ConMan is not afraid to deal with mafia type lending and enrich criminal lenders while ruining the lives of 'investors'!! Such compassion is often seen throughout the US criminal justice system!

"Steve’s untiring efforts continue to make a huge difference to lives in North America and around the world" Translation: CEO ConMan's Pump and dump news for scam toxic dilution never fails to rob, rip-off and spoil the lives of 1,000's of Citizens! The charade does not discriminate difference in who he'll con , Veteran, race, color male, female, origin of country, if they're dumb enough to buy his pump and dump news, scam toxic dilution "welcome!!"

And the best for last. "gale-force controversy amongst the ‘old boys’ club" It's not 'the old boys' It is 'the good ol'boys' club. The experienced group who've known for generations that, painting xmas tree retardant mixed with borate is a con which they've watched come and go for the past 60-70 years! It doesn't matter what color it's tinted! There's no "gale forced controversy"!! Other than the great likelihood, 'The good ol'boys' ain't buying the BS and facts; they're not ripping off investors with BS!!!!


06/08/14 12:00 AM

#14054 RE: bearsmuter #14044

it is a nice article. has anybody seen press releases for these:

"constructing modular Eco-shelters in the Philippines, a hospital in Haiti"

i remember Conboy trying to get somebody to buy Eco-shelters for the Philippines, but i don't remember any actually being sold.

i also remember a big push for Haiti, with no success either. where is this hospital? links? pictures?


06/08/14 12:07 AM

#14055 RE: bearsmuter #14044

seems like a lot of charity in there, but not any profitable sales. did he also give coated lumber to Hoss mag in exchange for the article?

this guy really, really needs to start making profits. the charity is noble, but eventually ya gotta make money. if he doesn't start making a profit soon, there won't be anything left to give away.