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06/06/14 12:52 AM

#223451 RE: F6 #223450

Reagan duplicity, from your first one ..

Yet, for years, Contra units had gone on bloody rampages through Nicaraguan border towns, raping women, torturing captives and executing civilian officials of the Sandinista government. In private, Reagan referred to the Contras as "vandals," according to Duane Clarridge, the CIA officer in charge of the operation, in his memoir, "A Spy for All Seasons." But in public, the Reagan administration attacked anyone who pointed out the Contras' corruption and brutality.

hmm, yeah, i'll never forget Kermit, and now thanks to Stephanie and you, will never, i hope until
recall totally fails, lol, fail to recall Duanne Clarridge again .. thanks .. dang, :( .. good ones .. lol!