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06/05/14 11:19 AM

#42715 RE: zstrata #42714

I don't believe the shell will be sold. When we get an honest, business like board in place, I truly believe we will see minor miracles occur. I don't think they will happen overnight but will happen in an orderly fashion, benefitting the share holders that have stuck it out thru thick or thin.
Major thanks are and will be due to Zack and Laser for preventing the final rape, pillaging and ultimate demise of The BOX

All in MHO of course.

I aint quittin either!!!


06/05/14 11:40 AM

#42716 RE: zstrata #42714

Although a RM may be in EXBX's future I assure you that the current shareholders will participate in the outcome and "less than 10 insiders" will not get issued $68 million worth of shares like the last proposed "deal".

Before any RMs are considered, legacy debt will be retired, assets will be brought in, income from sales will be on the books and a BOD composed of individuals elected by EXBX shareholders will be in place to oversee the process.

The illegal hold over board of 2, the jack and Alex Hall, are about to have everything they did since July of 2012 overturned because after July 2012 they had no authority to act on behalf of the company according to the Nevada statutes which govern the corporation.



06/05/14 4:17 PM

#42718 RE: zstrata #42714

EXBX insider Shaun Irvine told me before (sometime in February 2014 I believe) that the company still had the same patents it had before.

Also, according to the last company press release dated February 04, 2014, it stated: "The Current operations, technologies, and patents of EXBX are being spun out in a new company with a 1 for 1 share distribution"

Not sure how many ways the statement above can be spun.. but I think we'll find out for sure soon enough.

Go EXBX !!