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06/05/14 4:00 AM

#22846 RE: Magik007 #22845

Great post! Does anyone know if kris longo was still working with DC when time warner bought them? I am not pushing that I think that "Time" is going to partner up with Red just looking into the possibility a little further.


06/05/14 9:01 AM

#22852 RE: Magik007 #22845

That was a great post, but I will have to disagree with at least some of it. 'Appease' is a much different word than, 'Inform'. I will simply have to refer back to my earlier posting in that 'WE' (the investors) are funding this venture. Our money has been placed in trust to Mr Powell to fund his ideas and aspirations to build REDG. It is therefor incumbent upon Mr Powell to be a responsible stewart of those funds. These convertible notes are toxic beyond belief and are the reason this has not run. The terms of the notes are nothing short of highway robbery. Would you make such a deal with your own finances? You certainly would not.
Again, and for the umpteenth time, I believe Mr Powell has good ideas and a talented team. I believe we will make good.
However, we have been horribly set back by these notes. Investor trust and confidence has been shaken. Since this is our money and REDG has seen no revenue EXCEPT from us-we should expect regular updates concerning what is important to us....finances.