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06/04/14 4:11 PM

#222636 RE: 955 #222484

so if the problem was Wall Street - Big Money - TBTF Banks and the FED RESERVE - per this post

do you still insist on pointing a massive accusatory finger at the policies at FNMA and Freddie to help the middle class (now that we know that 1)F and F did little of that and 2) F and F did not fail due to that - absolute fact YOU have proved

Time to drop the blame the poor and minorities and GOV policy that helps them (and again F and F had NOTHING to do with the bottom one third of income in this nation - the poor and barely middle class)
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08/04/14 6:42 PM

#236155 RE: 955 #222484

955...Excellent research. Notice it backs up everything I've been saying. A few notes here.

In regards to the creation of money. The Federal Reserve creates money (actually Federal Reserve notes) based on bonds issued by the U.S. government. Two very important issues.

1) Money by constitution is to be created by the Treasury under the control of the House. That way there would be no interest on it. They killed Lincoln because he wouldn't borrow money from they at the interest rates they tried to screw him with. He borrowed from the Russian Czar and created the Greenbacks. When the Feds do expand the monetary base they steal from the American people in two ways. They create inflation and it cost 3% (I believe) to the government (or us. That's 3% plus the inflation they create.

Interestingly enough, that is how a promissory note works also. Most people don't realize that banks don't really loan money. The money is created by the promissory note. So the banks actual draw that money that the note creates and also they get you to pay off on it with interest over 30 years. That's really a racket, would you say?
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08/04/14 7:21 PM

#236158 RE: 955 #222484

955...So we are learning that the banks were the cause of FnF's demise.

Actual money that will most likely be returned to the government for the bailout,200 billion is still a joke and congress didn't and isn't doing it's job. They should start by either nationalizing the banks or let them fail. They should be suing the banks for the total of the money they create for themselves thru the Federal Reserve. This is such a con game, I can't believe more people can't see it for what it is. But like everything this is just to give all the wealth of the American people to the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank and the real owners of this country.

Every since 1913, the government has allowed the Federal Reserve to do banking instead of doing their job. It's against the constitution. I wonder where all the U.S, gold went.

Time is short because the One World Government is clearly just right around the corner. Obama is the one president who has helped out the enemy more than any other president. IMO

The next monetary collapse will probably be the end of the dollar and the end of the constitution and peoples freedom.

Actually with the Patriot Act, Homeland Security Act, NSA, IRS, FBI & CIA, environmentalists (some of them) out there, they have the American people just about where they want them. In the new feudalistic society. where they are the owners and you will be their slave. Notice you can't leave this country if they don't want you because like the USSR we are becoming under their control.

They want the world population reduced to 500,000,000 people.

Here's something really worth knowing. It's called the War Powers Act or Trading with the Enemy Act. I copied this and therefore I put it into quotes and add the link to reading the whole thing.