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06/04/14 12:24 PM

#198058 RE: DavidRFoley99 #198057

Where can I get a Nanotech shirt like you guys were wearing at the SHM? Thanks


06/04/14 12:25 PM

#198059 RE: DavidRFoley99 #198057

Patience Davy,,,You Opened Da Door

To Revisit
Counterfeiting Products
And Money Laundering

Hattori Hanzo

06/04/14 12:25 PM

#198060 RE: DavidRFoley99 #198057

"You can't change facts by posting misinformation."

Please apply this line of thinking to your next bullshit quarterly


06/04/14 1:21 PM

#198095 RE: DavidRFoley99 #198057


Thank you for your candor and honesty on this matter. Investors here really do appreciate it very much and look forward to the future with NTEK!

Crazy Money

06/05/14 12:22 AM

#198263 RE: DavidRFoley99 #198057

Shareholders have total clarity as everything is in the public record. You can't change facts by posting misinformation.

lolzzz, actually all the court cases are available for anyone to see... including non shareholders :-)

USA V. FOLEY is the BEST... GO USA! weeeeeeeeeee

DavidRFoley99 Member Level Wednesday, 06/04/14 12:20:21 PM
Re: pdgood post# 198016
Post # of 198263

Quote:Were ya sentenced ta prison

Not yet, the 9th circuit has agreed that we have presented significant issues of law and will be reviewing the case so nothing has been determined yet

Quote:Was it for fraud or just simple theft of anothers product?

neither of those.

Shareholders have total clarity as everything is in the public record. You can't change facts by posting misinformation.


06/05/14 11:40 AM

#198418 RE: DavidRFoley99 #198057

Keep me posted Dave.

"Shareholders have total clarity as everything is in the public record. You can't change facts by posting misinformation."

I'm not clear on a bunch a sht you've claimed bro. Or are ya talkin about your case only?

I think a bunch a others here would also like ya on record answerin some questions. Ya open ta that bro? Seems ta me ya respond ta that claimed misinformation on a real selective basis. Kinda like you're directin it. Ya better do something dude. The pps is fallin like a friggin rock on all that nonsense that gets tossed around like fact. But hey, at least you're on record here as bein adverse to misinformation so why not take a few direct questions and enlighten me a bit? Got the rocks?

Helter Skelter

03/30/15 11:10 PM

#294484 RE: DavidRFoley99 #198057

I liked this quote... > "We caution Foley's counsel against making such blatant misrepresentations in the future."

Link... > "I'm demanding my money back!"


How much did this brilliant counsel cost ya, Foley? Thanks...

Lovin' this. When are you off to prison? Thanks, again...roflol...


04/03/15 10:23 PM

#295985 RE: DavidRFoley99 #198057

Your Lawyer was Admonished

Basically saying
Not worth the Paper
The Appeal was Written on

But you Sold
10s of Millions of Shares

Worth it for you
But made an Azz of Riordan
The Foley way Eh

DavidRFoley99 Member Level Wednesday, 06/04/14 12:20:21 PM
Re: pdgood post# 198016
Post # of 295984
Were ya sentenced ta prison

Not yet, the 9th circuit has agreed that we have presented significant issues of law and will be reviewing the case so nothing has been determined yet

Was it for fraud or just simple theft of anothers product?

neither of those.

Shareholders have total clarity as everything is in the public record. You can't change facts by posting misinformation.


04/04/15 3:26 AM

#295997 RE: DavidRFoley99 #198057

Ouch Davey I guess your time as a free man is coming to an end :-(
When you are released from federal prison, i hope never do something like this again.

What will you eat as your last meal? :-D

Crazy Money

05/05/15 5:55 PM

#303087 RE: DavidRFoley99 #198057

Almost time for you to surrender to PRISON...

DavidRFoley99 Wednesday, 06/04/14 12:20:21 PM
Re: pdgood post# 198016
Post # of 303087
Were ya sentenced ta prison

Not yet, the 9th circuit has agreed that we have presented significant issues of law and will be reviewing the case so nothing has been determined yet

Was it for fraud or just simple theft of anothers product?

neither of those.

Shareholders have total clarity as everything is in the public record. You can't change facts by posting misinformation.

BIG probably will follow many yearzzz from now... lolzzz NTEK


03/27/20 5:36 PM

#378140 RE: DavidRFoley99 #198057

is that why you're BANKRUPT, BUSTED, and BROKEASS yett AGAIN, Serial Felon?

Cheating and swindling shareholder-victims and nott paying debts is no way to spend yer life ... so that's why you have to go:

Remember this from your first staycation? The one that you said you'd never serve a day ... Guess what, It's BAAAACKKK ... comin' backatcha!