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06/04/14 12:09 PM

#154653 RE: Jaysan21 #154531

Jaysan21, yes I have started and run a business as well as working for a major corporation so yes, I understand what it can take.
That doesn't mean there weren't mistakes made here or that those mistakes are life threatening. Getting in bed with certain people was a mistake, extricating themselves was not but that's just part of the total picture that is MINE over the last year or so. MINE shouldn't be defined by just the above, there's way more to the picture than that.

Let's see where this goes over the next 60 days as THAT will tell the story.

Have you ever started a business? Tried to capitalize a business? I have to say...most people don't understand what is involved in keeping the lights on in a start-up. I have founded and sold a start-up, brought another to public market thru reverse-merger and taken another through three rounds of traditional funding channels. This company has taken the steps it needed to keep the lights on and get to this point. The recent reductions in toxic debt are a HUGE positive indicator that this company is on the right track.